Pollution in Citarum within News Media Frames

Ajeng Silvia Fitri, Doddy Iskandar


Indonesia is one of the countries with the most natural resource wealth in the world, but in the development section they didn’t give enough attention about the environment, especially in the Rivers. One of the most problematic River in Indonesia and not handled properly is Citarum River, the biggest River in West Java and The Dirtiest River in The World. As the information provider, the media have the most important rules to giving positive influence in taking care of the environment. But in Indonesia, media still can be considered not doing their optimal job, especially when it comes to informing people about Citarum River, one of the west java local media, Pikiran Rakyat dan Tribun Jabar newspaper. Because of that reason, this research purpose is to see how the news frame that created by them being provided to the society about Environmental Pollution in Citarum River. With qualitatif research method and approachment using Framing Zhongdang Pan Analitical with Gerald M. Kosicki wich include 4 structure; Syntax, script, thematic, retori, the writer will try to uncover the news about Environmental Pollution in Citarum River From Pikiran Rakyat and Tribun Jabar Newspaper. This research resulted in knowing that Pikiran Rakyat focussing in exploit Goverment Policy weakness, the content didn’t really explain how things happen and using formal language but still can be attractive (fun to read). Tribun Jabar exploit more about the industrial sector that responsible in make the Citarum Polluted, the content still didn’t  explain how it happen, the style in writting is unique because they using casual language that became their character


Newspaper, Environment, Pollution, News Frame



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7230

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