Konstruksi Berita Aksi Damai 212 (Analisis Teks Berita melalui Framing Robert N. Entman terhadap Aksi Damai 212 pada INews TV dan Metro TV)

Muhamad Zaelani, Septiawan K Santana


The events AksiDamai 212 were so widespread public attention. this is because the mass of this action reaches millions of participants. So this event becomes a national issue that seizes the attention of Indonesian people to the world. This action demanded that the defendant of Islamic blasphemy BasukiTjahyaPurnama (Ahok) as Governor of DKI Jakarta immediately imprisoned. This Muslim action did not escape the coverage of Indonesia's major media such as INews TV and Metro TV. The media in principle have the power to direct and influence audiences through the news it airs. News is very commonly constructed by the media to achieve the interests and ideologies of certain groups. INews TV and Metro TV are two big media that each joined in big media group in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out how INews TV and Metro TV construct the news of AksiDamai 212.This research uses framing method Robert N.Enment, where this method is described as an analysis to find out how the reality (event, actor, group, or whatever) is framed by the media.This analysis tool consists of define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgment, and treatment recommendation. Data collection is done through documentation study through news text from news show of both media. Library study and interviews are also conducted to support the research data


Media, AksiDamai 212, Analisis Framing, Robert N. Entman


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7153

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