Relation Of Le Minerale Advertisement And Brand Awareness

Ahmad Maulana Ibnu Malik, Ferry Darmawan


Knowledge can come from anywhere, as long as we look for such information and we have the intention to be sure, there is definitely no way. There are several ways to gain knowledge that is read, see, and hear. One of these mass media, mass media form is divided into: (1) newspapers, (2) magazines, (3) radio, (4) television , (5), film. This form of mass media is a derivative of the Komunikassi mass. Mass communication is a kind of social forces that can drive social process toward a destination that has been applied first. The study entitled " Tanggapan Pembaca Terhadap Rubrik Klik di Harian Kompas ". In the Community Educational Window Artist (his specialty) is located on the campus of the Islamic University of Bandung (Unisba), in accordance with the principal problems in the lift, i.e. "how community members Take a response against the Rubric Click on daily Compass as a means of insight photography?". The purpose of this research is to determine how community members Take a response against the Rubric Click on daily Compass as a means of insight photography. The methods used in this research is descriptive method which aims to describe and explain the phenomenon is examined without using any hypothesis. While data to support this research was obtained through interviews, documentation, observation and the study of librarianship. Community response to Take against the rubric Click on daily Compass as a means of insight which is the purpose of telling (informative), the purpose of affect and convincing (argumentative persuasive), and the purpose of entertaining audiences (rekreatif), has become a benchmark and a motivation for the members of the community and outside the community, because aspects of the lesson about something not only can get on academic lessons, we can find it outside of formal instruction as long as we want to try and effort in studying the matter.


Mass Communication, A Means Of Insight Photography, Community


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