Means of Media Literates for Literators in the Site Remotivi.Or.Id

Rommy Firmansyah, Nila Nurlimah


The excellent growth of industry media made a lot of influences to the life of society, both positively nor negatively. One of them is television media that showing the less educational teenage shows to consume. To responding that bad influence, at this time the literacy media is growing from the amount of element in each various ways. Literacy media is a means of accessing, analyzing, and communicating the content of media messages. Remotivi Institution trough their site is included to institution that more focused to the literation in television media, in effort to give literacy media educational for society trough media utilization ‘new media’. In this site, remotivi aims to develop the level of society literacy media, grow, manage, and treating people critical attitude and encourage the professionalism of television workers to produce quality, healthy, and educational programs. This thesis researched about how the literacy activists interpret the activities of media literacy that done through their site This thesis used qualitative research with Phenomenology Alfred Schutz approachment to see deeper about the basic of someone who doing media literacy movement. Researcher conducted the process of collecting data by doing observations and interviews in the field. The result of this research shows that the motives of the past literacy activists to do media literacy activities influenced by experience, concern and utilization of technology. And the future motives influenced by concern and business opportunities. While the typology shows two categorizations: education and social criticism. Then the literacy activists interpret the media literacy as a form of satisfaction and social movement.


Media Literacy, Remotivi,, Phenomenology


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