News Management Of Local Regency Of Cianjur District in Digital Era

Intan Silvia Dewi, Askurifai Askurifai


The developments of communication technology and information which is grow so fast, indeed gives a new colour to the world of mass media. Currently, the news not only in sheet shaped, but through digital that considered can indulge the audience. There’s a lot speculation that print media will die. There’s a lot of newspaper in Indonesia that went bankrupt. But, recently in digital era, there are still local newspaper that can last while facing all the competitors in the same field, one of them is Cianjur Ekspres. Researcher focus on how reporting management in Cianjur Ekspres newspaper. Because of the success of the media can be see through how management in it. Based on the theory of press management from Djuroto, researcher will dig and discuss about the management of news topic, division of task, process of news packaging, form of evaluation in reporting on the Cianjur Ekspres newspaper. After that, emerge a speculation about why reporting management is important to do by Cianjur Ekspres. In this research use qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection technique which is conductes is interview, observation, and documentation study. The data that obtained then being analyzed using triangulation data.The result of the research show that reporting management in Cianjur Ekspress emerge the innovation which is not owned by the other print media in Cianjur District. From the news topic management that more show the local content and the government, to the use of sundanese in news title as local wisdom and evaluation.


reporting management, local news paper, Cianjur


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