The Representation of Women in The Maryam Novel by Okky Madasari

Vera Gita Pratiwi


The title of this study is “Representation of Woman in the Maryam Novel by
Okky Madasari: the Qualitative Study using the Method of Discourse Analysis
of Teun Van Djik concerning the Representation of Woman in the Maryam Novel
by Okky Madasari.â€
The phenomenon of woman is oftenly discussed and it becomes an interesting topic
to study. This study analyzes how a novel as a
media is able to represent the real condition of women in the society. The
discussion focuses on women who cannot be described by the other media
such as what factors that could trigger the defense and resistance issues of
women itself toward their life, particularly in their religious life.
The Maryam Novel tells about an Indonesian woman who takes Ahmadiyah as
her religion that considered as a deviated religion. The intersting part of this
Maryam Novel is how Okky Madasari, the writer, describes the behaviour and
point of view that has been built for a long time in the society and it seems to become a way to divide a community that is considered as the community who
has a deviated religion without concerning their rights, particularly woman.
By using the theory of Teun A. Van Djik, this study analyzes and
discusses the point of view of Okky Madasari concerning Indonesian Women in the
Novel which has been published in 2013. It focuses on the elements in
the novel.
The result of this research is found through the innovation by using the study
of textual analysis and several interviews. By using the theory of Van Djik that
has three levels, it could be concluded that the macro structure: this novel’s theme
concerning woman; superstructure: schematic/plot that is used in this novel is a
combination; micro structure: semantic elements such as the detail, setting and
metaphor are the words that are decribed the representation of woman in this


Maryam, Woman, Discrimination


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