Vandalism In Photojournalism of Online Media

Okky Ganesha Putra


Acts of vandalism are lately increasing in Bandung City. Some points of public spaces have been marred by irresponsible persons. Public spaces are made available for the beauty of a city. Most public areas are bullied extensively. Starting from the wall of the fly over if Pasupati that has been full of graffiti, chair along Jalan Asia Afrika and Jalan Braga, until the park facilities. Awareness of the community to look after each facilities of the city seemed to lack. The press often sniffs action eyesores of the city. Several online news portals often include photojournalism related activities vandalism committed by people who are not responsible. Therefore, interest here is the content of the meaning of the action of vandals are strung in photojournalism that adorn the media. By using a semiotic approach along with the theory of Roland Barthes, the author analyzes the contents of meaning in photojournalism.


Roland Barthes, Semiotics Analysis, Photojournalism


Fiske, John. 2004. Cultural and Communication Studies: Sebuah Pengantar Paling Komprehensif. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.

Sobur, Alex. 2004. Semiotika Komunikasi. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.


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