The Narrative Analysis of the Movie Nightcrawler on Its Journalism Ideology (Qualitative Research Method with Narrative Analysis by Using Seymour Chatman Theory)

Putri Wulan dewi, Askurifai Baksin


1. The main character in the film, Lou, is a journalist who violates the code of ethics. He should not deviate from the line of journalism ideology, based on the theory of David Kovach (9 elements of journalism). 2. In this movie, the director constructed the figure implies a freelance/independent journalist, Lou Bloom as a cold-hearted sociopath who justify any means to get the desired thing. The code of ethics of journalists that are also contained in the nine elements of journalism altogether are ignored in this movie. It shows the dark side of the world journalists completely. Construction conducted by the director is obvious from the treatment, facial expression, and back sound gripping one in the movie. The director enshrined scenes with detail and gripping.


Qualitative Method


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