the portrait of violance suffered by Indonesian Journalist in the Kubur Kabar Kabur movie

hardias syaifinnuha, Septiawan Santana


This study is about a movie, entitled Kubur Kabar Kabur as a portrait of violence suffered by Indonesian Journalist which is analyzed by using John Fiske Semiotics Analysis. Kubur Kabar Kabur tells about the violence experienced by Indonesian journalist. Nowadays, so many violences, especially physical violence, are suffered by journalists. Whereas, the journalistic profession gets the legal protection in conducting his profession. Yet, the reality shows that within the last 10 years (2005-2015) there has been a 486 violence occurred. This research aims to determine the portrait of violance suffered by Indonesian Journalist in the Kubur Kabar Kabur movie. It uses semiotics method by using the codes television analysis from John Fiske. This methods analyze the dialogues, gestures, expressions, cameras, and idealism. The results of this study reveals that the violence portrait of Indonesian journalists in the movie is offensive violence, open violence and closed violence.


Film, Violence, Journalism


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