Humanity Values in the Book Totto-Chan's Children

Kharinnika Roes


Many people still experience violence, discrimination, being victims of war, living without health facilities, and poor educational facilities. Adults and children are forced to live uncomfortable and insecure, and it may happen here in this country. How can human beings respond to that? Are we just watching, or doing something? That depiction is covered in the book Totto-Chan's Children. The story of humanity is committed by the Ambassador of Humanity to see the children in the world. The purpose of this study was to find the humanity values in the book "Totto-Chans' Children" by using the method of William. A. Gamson’s framing analysis. It can simply be described as an analysis to determine how the media is framed by a reality indicating the event interpretation and display. Observations were in the form of text analysis and interviews with sources who edited the book. Based on this research, humanity values contained in the book Toto-Chan’s Children include sympathy for the children, empathy for others, children's rights and love, and affection. This book tells a humanitarian trip of the Ambassador of Humanity. The book is in the form of history packed in a travel journal report. The values aforementioned are fundalmental for human beings. It is inevitable that many people in various places that need helps.


Social, Humanitarian, Kids, Framing Analysis


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