The Meaning of Non Verbal Communication Tradition Of Api Jagau

Sugiharto Purnama, Doddy Iskandar


The titleof this study is Nonverbal Communication in the Api Jagau
Tradition Culture: a qualitative study with etnographic communication
aproach by Dell Hymes in the Api Jagau Tradition Culture at Gunung Kayo
village of Bunga Mas district, South Bengkulu. It’s about finding nonverbal
communication as well as patterns of communication contained in the Api
Jagau tradition culture. The research method uses a qualitative approach of
ethnographic communication from Dell Heymes. Nonverbal communication is one
way of communication delivery which are not only with words or sounds, but through
movements of the body which are often known as cue language or body language.
One form of nonverbal communication can be seen in the tradition culture of Api
Jagau. There are many gestures have meaning it.


Etnographic Communication, Dell Hymes, Indonesian Traditional Culture, Api Jagau, Ramadan Tradition, Serawai Etnic, South Bengkulu.


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