Global Warming Issues in the Movie Chasing Ice

Reza Ferhat Mohammad Faza, Doddy Iskandar


The issue of global warming has already been familiar. There are many facts about the dangers and effects of global warming. Keep in mind that public opinion has intensified since the three (3) decades by many experts was also often dumped by the opinions of other experts who do not agree with the facts presented at this time. Through a variety of scientific research, the pros and cons of war opinion of the significance of this global warming continues to run. For the sake of opening the eyes of the audience swayed by the truth of global warming, a movie was made to inform audiences that global warming is real. The film, entitled Chasing Ice, is touted as the new inconvenient truth as judged managed to open the eyes of the public of the effects of global warming. The film was directed by Jeff Orlowski, in collaboration with James Balog and his team EIS (Extreme Ice Survey). It raised the issue of global warming from the point of view of the melting of the polar ice. The film depicts how the snow pack melts drastically within 3 (three) years. This study discussed the Chasing Ice frame for the issue of global warming. The method used was the model analysis of Robert N. Entman framing the terms of the elements defines problems, diagnose cause, make a moral judgment, and treatment recommendation. This study found the issue of global warming is constructed with the phenomenon of climate change that is happening now. Seeing the filmmaking process as well as publications, Chasing Ice advocates the public to be aware of environmental sustainability indirectly.


Global Warming, Movie, Chasing Ice, Framing


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