Tone Distortion in The Minor Note

Bobby Agung Prasetyo, Santi Indra Astuti


The direction of Indonesian music nowadays shows its inconsistence. It is quite debatable since the markets’ interest and someone’s interest in listening music doesn’t always meet. At this point, media also participate in taking part. Through the qualitative research by using the critical discourse analysis of Van Dijk, the study analyzes the article text in The Kanal Feature Disorder Zine find out the meaning of its resistance against Indonesian music pop culture. In addition, the study also tells the alternative media implication to the social culture of Indonesian pop music nowadays. The result shows that Independently, the collective concept in Disorder Zine taken from its founder, Zaka Sandra Novian and Raka Ibrahim, is not too far with the other Zine in general. Some disorders always try to find ‘another way’ from the current mainstream. Finally, this study reveals the main ideology from the Zine’s topic of independent music and culture.


Critical Discourse Analysis, Resistance, Indonesian Pop Music, Disorder Zine, Alternative Media


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