Pembingkaian Media Online Mengenai Berita Pemilihan Ketua Umum PSSI

Rizal Fadlilahurrahman Alghifari, Alex Sobur


Absctract—This research is motivated by the world of Indonesian football which is in the spotlight of many parties for various reasons, one of which is the problem that occurs at PSSI. The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) as a federation, on Saturday, November 4, 2019, the new General Chairman was officially elected. The online media and are online-based mass media that quite often disseminate information about the election of a new PSSI General Chair. A media cannot be separated from the construction and determination of attitude in presenting reality, one of which is regarding the election of the PSSI General Chair. This study uses qualitative methods with the Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki framing analysis. This framing analysis looks at how the media frames news facts by exploring four elements of text, namely syntax, script, thematic, script, thematic, and rhetorical. The results showed that, syntactically, and both compiled a news scheme through headlines and news leads based on background information and source quotes. In a script, presents news more widely, while presents news that emphasizes only the general chairman election event. Thematically, and try to prioritize the objectivity of their news. The difference is that is more in-depth and wants to explain the polemic and related issues behind the election of the general chairman compared to Rhetorically, and both emphasize facts on words and sentences in their stories. The difference is that is more numerous and on target so that the news is more interesting and tends to be proactive in its reading. Meanwhile, is less so that it feels more formal in the news articles.


Keywords: News, Framing Analysis, Pan & Kosicki


Berita, Analisis Framing, Pan & Kosicki

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