Eksistensi Music Director Radio di Era Kurasi Musik

Muhammad Lugas Pribady, Nila Nurlimah


Abstract.In this era, music on radio is no longer a benchmark for individuals to listen to music. If you look far into the past the radio is the initial reference to find out what music and music developments are on the rise, this is what is called the era of independent music creation. This is where researchers will try to explore using qualitative research methods with the approach of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz, About how the era of music creation is on the self existence of the radio music director in Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the music director of radio in Bandung in interpreting the era of music creation of self existence. The results of his research are as follows: (1) The motives of music directors in interpreting their existence as MDs in the era of music creation,namely motives of interest, social and learning; (2) Music director defines this profession as a profession that aims to educate, add friendship relations, and as a profession that looks free, but remains responsible; (3) The experience gained by music directors is divided into positive and negative experiences.


Keyword:  Radio, Era Of Music Curation, Music Director, Phenomenology


Radio, Era Kurasi Musik, Music Director, Fenomenologi

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v6i2.23805

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