Kredibilitas Pemberitaan Penanggulangan Pasien Pasien Virus Corona di Indonesia

Marina Yuliani, Askurifai Baksin


ABSTRACT. As news has become a hot topic that has an impact on a large part of society, it is important for all of us to understand and understand the role of journalism in the midst of this urgent situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the credibility (believability, accuracy, bias, completeness) of the news coverage of corona virus patients in the online media Voice of America (VOA) Indonesia. The author chooses the Voice of America (Indonesia) media which is considered credible in reporting because it reports on the development of the corona virus every day. This study uses a quantitative research method with a content analysis approach through data collection techniques by coding a statement or writing in order to obtain certain characteristics or characteristics through the category construct. The theory used is the Metzger & Flanagin credibility theory. The object of research is the credibility of reporting on the corona virus in the January 2020- March 2020 edition of the Voice of America online media. The subjects coded are journalists, journalism lecturers and journalism students.
The results of the study show that the online media Voice of America in its coverage of corona virus patients in Indonesia is quite credible in its reporting. Beliefability credibility 90% opinitative and 80% transparency. accuracy title 100% correct, fill 90% according. In addition, VOA media has applied bias and completeness dimensions, each of which is 90%.

Keywords: news credibility, online media, Voice of America


kredibilitas berita, media online, Voice of America

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