Representasi Gamers dalam Film Dokumenter “Free to Playâ€

Wiwin Fitriyani, Rita Gani


Abstract. This writing was motivated by the development of the internet which created many benefits and helped to change many activities in the real world. eSport or familiarly heard Electronic Sport is a new face for developments between video games and sports. How not, in the midst of the development of the internet is able to change the type of exercise through a computer screen. The film "Free to Play" appeared, describing the phenomenon that was developing in the community. This documentary-type film presents a different story than usual, namely between the world-class Games and the lives of professional DotA 2 players. Dramatization also helped illustrate the difficulty of eSport athletes playing games. Between hobbies, dedication and achievement raised as interesting issues. So this research examines how the narrative in the documentary "Free to Play" is presented. This study uses qualitative research techniques with Tzvetan Todorov's narrative approach, where the narrative structure in the film has a chronological order, motives and plots and a causal relationship from an event. Not only that the position of the narrator in a documentary is very important for the viewpoint of the audience. Then, the representation of gamers is explained in the narration, where the stigma of gamers is poorly changed due to eSport. The results of this study indicate the narrative in this film changes the view of games in the community.

Keywords: eSport, Documentary Film, “Free to Playâ€, Narrative Analysis.

Abstrak. Penulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan internet yang menciptakan banyak manfaat dan turut merubah banyak kegiatan di dunia nyata. eSport atau akrab di dengar Elektronik Sport merupakan wajah baru bagi perkembangan antara video game dan olahraga. Bagaimana tidak, ditengah-tengah perkembangan internet ini mampu merubah jenis olahraga melalui layar komputer. Munculah film“Free to Play†menggambarkan fenomena yang tengah berkembang di masyarakat. Film berjenis dokumenter ini menyuguhkan cerita yang berbeda dari biasanya, yaitu antara Pertandingan tingkat dunia dan kehidupan pemain Profesional DotA 2. Dramatisasi pun turut menggambarkan tidak mudahnya atlet eSport dalam bermain games. Antara hobby, dedikasi dan prestasi dimunculkan sebagai isu yang menarik. Maka penelitian ini meneliti bagaimana narasi dalam film dokumenter “Free to Play†disajikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan naratif Tzvetan Todorov, dimana stuktur narasi dalam film tersebut memiliki urutan kronologis, motif dan plot dan hubungan sebab akibat dari suatu peristiwa. Tak hanya itu posisi narator dalam sebuah film dokumenter sangat berperan bagi sudut pandang penonton. Kemudian, representasi gamers di jelaskan dalam narasi tersebut, dimana stigma gamers yang buruk berubah karena adanya eSport. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan narasi dalam film ini merubah pandangan games di kalangan masyarakat.

Kata Kunci: eSport, Film Dokumenter, “Free to Playâ€, Analisis Naratif.


eSport, Film Dokumenter, “Free to Play”, Analisis Naratif.

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